My only gripes have to do with ease-of-use on Linux:
- The first is with the Linux installation, which basically consisted of a shell script which obviously ran in a geeky terminal window. To be fair, CrashPlan gets major points for even supporting Linux, so this does feel a bit like nitpicking. And, granted, Linux users tend to be significantly less command-line averse, but I'd still prefer to see them offer a more novice-friendly installation option. I have no trouble recommending Ubuntu to the average "grandma" user (web/email/word processing), but this is not something Grandma could install herself. It's just not up to par with the ease-of-use expected on the more ubiquitous Windows or Mac platforms.
- The second gripe is with the shortcut (launcher in Ubuntu parlance) for the CrashPlanDesktop GUI configuration tool. The installation added a shortcut to the tool on my desktop, but not one to the Ubuntu Applications menu. Other third-party installations (like Dropbox) have integrated into the standard Ubuntu applications listing, so why doesn't CrashPlan? Also, after rebooting, the shortcut disappeared and I had to manually re-create it. This was probably a glitch, but the annoyance would have been averted if there had been a shortcut in the Applications menu.
Gripes aside, the installation worked without a hitch. I just chose all the default options and it installed and ran fine. The GUI tool is clean, simple to use and understand, but offers plenty of options to fine-tune the backup to my needs.
For future reference, to recreate the CrashPlanDesktop launcher, just create a new launcher or copy an existing one, open it in a text editor, and replace the contents with the following:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=CrashPlan Desktop Configuration Tool
Comment=CrashPlan Desktop Configuration Tool
Thanks a million! I lost my CrashPlan Desktop icon and had no idea how to re-create it. Your Launcher tip solved my problem. Cheers!