Friday, January 20, 2012

Software Craftsmanship: Coding Katas

This is a collection of links to various coding katas I've run across.  I haven't tried all of them, but probably will over time.

For anyone wondering what the heck a kata is, this article from Dave Thomas is a good place to start.

First is Dave Thomas' post, which lists his original set of 21 kata.

"Vital Testing"
A set of six Kata used during Jim Weirich's half-day session at CodeMash 2012.

NimblePros Kata
Ten kata, including bowling, fizzbuzz, greed, potter, and tennis scoring.

Gilded Rose Kata
An interesting refactoring exercise where some files/classes in the project are absolutely off limits to editing.  The link above references a C# starter solution, but you can find Java and Ruby starters here.

At CodeMash 2012, there was a full-day session on "Putting the D&D in TDD".  I didn't attend, but got a link to a GitHub repo with the exercises from someone who did.  Although not exactly a set of katas, it could still be an interesting set of exercises to go through.

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